If you run your own business then there are often big demands on your time. We can assist you and advise you in the areas below to help you save that valuable time. We also provide an ongoing service which includes regular reviews of your plan to ensure they remain on track. Please note that ongoing servicing is an additional service and comes at an additional charge.
- Death In Service arrangements
- Private Medical Insurance – Executive or group
- Income Protection Insurance (often thought of as insurance based sick pay schemes)
- Tax Planning
- Auto enrolment
- Executive and Director Pensions planning
- Self Invested Pension Planning (SIPP)
- Partnership Agreements
- Small Self-Administered Pension Schemes (SSAS)
- Keyman Protection – Life and / or Critical
- Shareholder protection
If you think you may benefit from advice and guidance to achieve financial peace of mind then call us on 07971 287517 or drop us a line here.
- The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Tax planning
- The value of pensions and investment and the income they produce can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount that you originally invested.